Paul and Andy are some of the first in the State to achieve the new Certified Renovator as it applies to working with older homes and lead-based paint issues. This is a new REQUIREMENT from the EPA. April of 2010 is the deadline for all those working with lead-based paint to be certified. Not only do those that work on the jobs HAVE to be trained but the firm they work for MUST be certified through the EPA. The new rules are very stringent and the old way of doing things in our industry is no longer allowed.
This whole program is designed for the safety of children and the other occupants of a home during a renovation project as well as the safety of those doing the work. Yes, it's new and with that goes a lot of resistance. However, this stuff is NOT optional. If you live in a home built prior to 1978, chances are you may have some lead-based paint in the home. The older the home, the more likely it will be found. We will test for it and advise the appropriate procedures for doing the renovation the RIGHT way.
Will this cost more to do the project? Unfortunately, yes it will. Please remember that this new program comes from the EPA. It is designed for the safety of all those involved in the project. And, while it didn't come from us, once you understand the ramifications of poor renovation practices, we think you'll be glad to pay a little more and really glad you found a contractor like us who knows what we're doing.
If you have an older home and want to talk to a contractor about doing your project the right way (and the legal way), get in touch with us.
PS: Phillies win game #1.