One of the things that Paul & Alison brought back from the Remodelers Show is a set of new products to allow us to do "wet rooms". What are wet rooms, you ask? Well, we've always been able to achieve a zero clearance shower (no threshold or curb) but now we have the capability of turning the whole floor into a wet floor. The products and methods have been tested and certified and it doesn't leak. How's a lifetime warranty on this system sound?
Our partners at AKW Medicare have been working on this a while and now we can bring it to you. How about a bathroom that you wouldn't have to worry about if the floor gets wet or even floods. How about a mud room with a drain in the floor that you could use to help with cleaning the pets or even the kids.
In the space of this blog we can't really do the system justice. Contact us for more information and ideas on how this would work for you.
517-545-8651 www.paulsonsconstruction.com
PS: Yeah, I know, the Stankees won again. They lead Series 3-1. Game 5 is tonight in Philly. Cliff Lee is on the mound for Philly. Should be another great game.