Friday, January 29, 2010

Ethanol; is it worth it?

Well, as in our previous discussion, that depends. If the green mission is to reduce and not trade or increase, then ethanol is a waste of time, money, and energy.
When used in an internal combustion engine, it burns cleaner than gasoline. OK, good. But that's just what's on the surface. The cost to produce it is more. The damage done to the environment as it's produced is much more than we get back. And it takes a lot more of it to make a vehicle go the same distance (the burn rate is different).
I mean really, why should we pay the same, or more in some cases, for a product that doesn't take us as far and damages the environment more than if we just used gasoline? These arguments for "green" are really more about money than the environment. Preserving our environment is serious and we all need to do our part. But let's do things that make sense--COMMON SENSE. We, Americans, still have it but aren't using it. It's really not that difficult. But then we sit by and import human, toxic, and general waste from another country (and states) into the center of the world's largest supply of fresh water! Common sense--I think not. We are supposed to reduce how much we put in our landfills and then we go ahead import more. What the heck?! Tell me the "green" isn't about the money. I thought it was supposed to be about reducing.
Next we'll address "reuse". Thanks for following the discussion. Remember, there's a lot to be said in such a small space so we're trying to hit the highlights.
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